Monday, October 4, 2010


This week I have been trying to get the final product completed but have run into several challenges. I tried to create my model using basswood for the top, per my professors recommendation. I tried several types of glue but the wood warped very easily and I was not able to get a good 90 degree angle for a perfect square. The second challenge was the base. I used plaster of Paris to create a square base with a circular hole in the middle to hold the tube of cream. I tube went through the bottom when I made the cast, so I tried adding the basswood as a bottom panel but once again, I had trouble getting a good bond. I then tried chip board with some success. The third challenge has been painting my base and top. I have tried white spray paint but I think it is too humid to get good coverage. I am headed to the craft store again this morning to look of another medium to use. I am frustrated with the challenges this weekend but I am hopeful that I will find a solution and get this completed this afternoon.

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