Thursday, October 21, 2010

Model - Part II

I am working with a circular form to mirror the form of my product. I tried using this plastic mesh but it is very difficult to work with and I will not be using it in my final model because it will not hold a shape. I used modeling clay to create a miniature and full scale model of the product. I didn't not worry about perfecting these models because I am just using them for the model making process. I have created a mold of the product that I will cast models with plaster of paris. I am hoping these models will be a part of my final display. I like the look of the trace paper for the top model. My vision would be to illuminate both sections and have black graphics on them.


  1. you're hard work definitely shows! did you decide to create a light installation? have you encountered any difficulties with that? I like the look of trace - vellum may give you a more polished translucent look though?

  2. Thank you Kathleen. That is a great suggestion.
